- Yunchong Yang, Weijia Yan, Aryan Anand, Dylan Fuan, Elise Nguyen, Clayton Felder, Mayank Kulkarni, Jingjing Qiu. “3D N-Doped crumpled graphene aerogels for thermoelectric energy harvesting and highly sensitive piezoresistive sensing”. Carbon, 232: 119827, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119827 (2024).
- Jun Ma, Jingjing Qiu, Gus A. Wright, Shiren Wang. “Oxygen/Nitric oxide dual-releasing nanozyme for augmenting TMZ-mediated apoptosis and necrosis”. Molecular Pharmaceutics, DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.4c00817 (2024).
- Jun Ma, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Responsive materials-enhanced intranasal delivery of drugs into brain tumors”. Matter, 7(8): 2684-2686, DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.05.022 (2024).
- Jae Gwang Kim, Ruochen Liu, Prashant Dhakal, Aolin Hou, Chongjie Gao, Jingjing Qiu, Cory Merkel, Mark Zoran, Shiren Wang. “Heterostimuli chemo-modulation of neuromorphic nanocomposites for time-, power-, and data-efficient machine learning”. Matter, 3(3): 1230-1244, DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.01.008 (2024).
- Ruochen Liu, Aolin Hou, Prashant Dhakal, Chongjie Gao, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Energy-efficient rapid additive manufacturing for complex geometry ceramics”. Journal of Cleaner Production, 452: 142122, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142122 (2024).
- Baiyu Zhang, Jingjing Qiu. “Machine learning for soft robotics”. Journal of Neuromorphic Intelligence, 1(1), 38-45 (2024).
- Weijia Yan, Jingjing Qiu. “Neuromorphic computing in sensory systems: A review”. Journal of Neuromorphic Intelligence, 1(1), 9-20 (2024).
- Ruochen Liu, Aolin Hou, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Low-carbon manufacturing of Ti-Si-C ceramics using geopolymer-binder-integrated reactive feedstocks”. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12(12): 4858-4866, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c07159 (2024).
- Weijia Yan, Ruochen Liu, Caleb Fowler, Shiren Wang, Jingjing Qiu. “Multiphysics modeling of frontal curing-enabled additive manufacturing for carbon fiber/thermoset composites”. Computational Materials Science, 237, 112916, DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2024.112916 (2024).
- Wei Li, Chongjie Gao, Aolin Hou, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “One-pot in situ synthesis of expandable graphite-encapsulated paraffin composites for thermal energy storage”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 481, 148541, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.148541 (2024).
- Chongjie Gao, Jun Ma, Wei Li, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Structure engineering-enabled multi-direction-reconfigurable, soft, rechargeable lithium-ion battery with tissue-compliance low modulus and high performance”, Energy Storage Materials, 63, 103031, DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2023.103031 (2023).
- Wei Li, Zimeng Zhang, Yuchen Liu, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Design and fabrication of pH-responsive monodisperse gold/peptide/gold sandwich nanoparticles”, Manufacturing Letters, 36, p62-67, DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2023.03.003 (2023).
- Chongjie Gao, Ruochen Liu, Wei Li, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Collaborative printing and in-situ frontal curing of highly-viscous thermosetting composites”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 89, p1-9, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2023.01.048 (2023).
- Ruochen Liu, Jae Gwang Kim, Prashant Dhakal, Wei Li, Jun Ma, Aolin Hou, Cory Merkel, Jingjing Qiu, Mark Zoran, Shiren Wang. “Neuromorphic properties of flexible carbon nanotube/polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposites”, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 6(1), p1-11, DOI: 10.1007/s42114-022-00599-9 (2023).
- Wei Li, Chongjie Gao, Jun Ma, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Simultaneous enhancement of thermopower and ionic conductivity for N-type Fe (III/II) thermocell”, Materials Today Energy, 30: 101147, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtener.2022.101147 (2022).
- Wei Li, Jun Ma, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Thermocells-enabled Low-grade Heat Harvesting: Challenge, Progress, and Prospects”, Materials Today Energy, 27: 101032, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtener.2022.101032 (2022).
- Chongjie Gao, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “In‐situ Curing of 3D printed Freestanding Thermosets”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 4(3): e10114, DOI: 10.1002/amp2.10114 (2022).
- Zimeng, Chongjie Gao, Ruochen Liu, Wei Li, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang, “Catalyzed frontal polymerization-aided 3D printing of epoxy thermosets”, Additive Manufacturing Letters, 2, p100030, DOI: 10.1016/j.addlet.2022.100030 (2022).
- Wei Li, Jun Ma, S Garcia, Chongjie Gao, Ruochen Liu, Jingjing Qiu, Feng Zhao, Shiren Wang. “Semishell Janus nanoparticle-enabled pH-responsive rod-shaped assembly for photothermal therapy”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(1), p871-880, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c03556 (2021).
- Yuchen Liu, Ruochen Liu, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “4D printing of thermal responsive structure for environmentally adaptive radiative cooling and heating”, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, e10107, DOI: 10.1002/amp2.10107 (2021).
- Zimeng Zhang, Ruochen Liu, Wei Li, Yuchen Liu, Zhijian Pei, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Frontal polymerization-assisted 3D printing of short carbon fibers/dicyclopentadiene composites”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 71, p753-762, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2021.10.014 (2021).
- Zimeng Zhang, Ruochen Liu, Wei Li, Haochen Luo, Li Zeng, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Direct writing of continuous carbon fibers/epoxy thermoset composites with high strength and low energy-consumption”, Additive Manufacturing, 47, p102348, DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102348 (2021).
- Wei Li, Yuchen Liu, Zimeng Zhang, Ruochen Liu, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Thermo-osmotic ionogel enabled high-efficiency harvesting of low-grade heat”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9, p15755-15765, DOI: 10.1039/D1TA01836A (2021).
- Jilong Wang, Yan Liu, Xintian Zhang, Syed Ehsanur Rahman, Siheng Su, Junhua Wei, Fuda Ning, Zhonglue Hu, Raul Martinez-Zaguilan, S. R. Sennoune, Weilong Cong, Gordon Christopher, Kun Zhang, Jingjing Qiu. “3D printed agar/calcium alginate hydrogels with high shape fidelity and tailorable mechanical properties”, Polymer, 214, p123238, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2020.123238 (2021).
- Yuchen Liu, Zimeng Zhang, Wei Li, Ruochen Liu, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Water purification performance and energy consumption of gradient nanocomposite membranes”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 202, p108426, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2020.108426 (2020).
- Jun Ma, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Nanozymes for catalytic cancer immunotherapy”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3(6), p4925-2943, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.0c00396 (2020).
- Siheng Su, Jilong Wang, Jingjing Qiu, Raul Martinez-Zaguilan, Souad R. Sennoune, Shiren Wang. “In-vitro study of transportation of porphyrin immobilized graphene oxide through blood brain barrier”, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 107, p110313, DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2019.110313 (2020).
- Biran Wang, Zimeng Zhang, Zhijian Pei, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Current progress on the 3D printing of thermosets”, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, p1-11, DOI: 10.1007/s42114-020-00183-z (2020).
- Jilong Wang, Lihua Lou, Jingjing Qiu. “Super-tough hydrogels using ionically crosslinked networks”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136(44), p48182, DOI: 10.1002/app.48182 (2019).
- Jilong Wang, Yan Liu, Siheng Su, Junhua Wei, Fuda Ning, Gordon Christopher, Weilong Cong, Jingjing Qiu. “Ultrasensitive wearable strain sensors of 3D printing tough and conductive hydrogels”, Polymers, 11(11), p1873, DOI: 10.3390/polym11111873 (2019).
- Jilong Wang, Junhua Wei, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu, Zhonglue Hu, Molla Hasan, Evan Vargas, Michelle Pantoya, Shiren Wang. “Thermal-recoverable tough hydrogels enhanced by porphyrin decorated graphene oxide”, Nanomaterials, 9(10), p1487, DOI: 10.3390/nano9101487 (2019).
- Jilong Wang, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “A novel and facile way to synthesize diamondoids nanowire cluster array”, Journal of Materials Research, 34(17), p2976-2982, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2019.197 (2019).
- Zimeng Zhang, Biran Wang, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Roll-to-roll printing of spatial wearable thermoelectrics”, Manufacturing Letters, 21, p28-34, DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2019.07.002 (2019).
- Jilong Wang, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “One-dimensional fluorescent nanosized-diamond nanowires with fluorescent detection of vitamin B12”, Nano, 14(07), 1950084, DOI: 10.1142/S179329201950084X (2019).
- Zimeng Zhang, Rui Liu, H. Zepeda, L Zeng, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “3D printing super strong hydrogel for artificial meniscus”, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 1(8), p2023-2032, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.9b00304 (2019).
- Jilong Wang, Junhua Wei, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu. “Tough and fatigue-resistant hydrogels with triple interpenetrating networks”, Journal of Nanomaterials, 6923701, DOI: 10.1155/2019/6923701 (2019).
- Liming Wang, Zimeng Zhang, Yuchen Liu, Biran Wang, Lei Fang, Jingjing Qiu, Kun Zhang, Shiren Wang. “Exceptional thermoelectric properties of flexible organic-inorganic hybrids with monodispersed and periodic nanophase”, Nature Communications, 9, 3817, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06251-9 (2018).
- Yuchen Liu, Bailey Philips, Wei Li, Zimeng Zhang, Lei Fang, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Fullerene-tailored graphene oxide interlayer spacing for energy-efficient water desalination”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1(11): 6188-6175, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.8b01375 (2018).
- Liming Wang, Zimeng Zhang, Linxiao Geng, Tianyu Yuan, Yuchen Liu, Juchen Guo, Lei Fang, Jingjing Qiu, Kun Zhang, Shiren Wang. “Solution-printable fullerene/TiS2 organic/inorganic hybrids for high-performance flexible n-type thermoelectrics”, Energy & Environmental Science, 11(5), 1307-1317, DOI: 10.1039/C7EE03617E (2018).
- Brian Wang, Liming Wang, Xi Li, Yuchen Liu, Zimeng Zhang, Erik Hedrick, Stephen Safe, Jingjing Qiu, Guohui Liu, Shiren Wang. “Template-free fabrication of vertically-aligned polymer nanowire array on the flat-end tip for quantifying the single living cancer cells and nanosurface interaction”, Manufacturing Letters, 16, p27-31, DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2018.03.004 (2018).
- Liming Wang, Yuchen Liu, Zimeng Zhang, Biran Wang, Jingjing Qiu, David Hui, Shiren Wang. “Polymer composites-based thermoelectric materials and devices”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 122, 145-155, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2017.04.019 (2017).
- Zimeng Zhang, Biran Wang, David Hui, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “3D bioprinting of soft materials-based regenerative vascular structures and tissues”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 123, 279-291, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2017.05.011 (2017).
- Jilong Wang, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu. “Biocompatible Swelling Graphene Oxide Reinforced Double Network Hydrogels with High Toughness and Stiffness”, New Journal of Chemistry, 41, 3781-3789, DOI: 10.1039/C6NJ03791G (2017).
- Siheng Su, Jilong Wang, Junhua Wei, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Thermal conductivity studies of electrophoretically deposited nanodiamond arrays”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 225, 54-59, DOI: 10.1016/j.mseb.2017.08.010 (2017).
- Kun Zhang, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Thermoelectric properties of PEDOT nanowire/PEDOT hybrids”, Nanoscale, 8(15): 8033-8041, DOI: 10.1039/C5NR08421K (2016).
- Zimeng Zhang, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “Roll-to-roll printing of flexible thin-film organic thermoelectric devices”, Manufacturing Letters, 8, 6-10, DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2016.04.002 (2016).
- Donya Thomas, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu, Michelle L. Pantoya. “Microwave synthesis of functionally graded tricalcium phosphate for osteoconduction”, Materials Today Communications, 9, 47-53, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2016.10.002 (2016).
- Kun Zhang, Shiren Wang, Jingjing Qiu, Jeffrey L. Blackburn, Xin Zhang, Andrew J. Ferguson, Elisa M. Miller, Brandon L. Weeks. “Effect of host-mobility dependent carrier scattering on thermoelectric power factors of polymer composites”, Nano Energy, 19, 128-137, DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2015.11.005 (2016).
- Siheng Su, Jilong Wang, Evan Vargas, Junhua Wei, Raul Martinez-Zaguilan, Souad R. Sennounce, Michelle L. Pantoya, Shiren Wang, Jharna Chaudhuri, and Jingjing Qiu. “Porphyrin immobilized nanographene oxide for enhanced and targeted photothermal therapy of brain cancer”, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2(8), 1357-1366, DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00290 (2016).
- Jilong Wang, Jingjing Qiu. “A review of carbon dots in biological applications”, Journal of Materials Science, 51 (10), 4728-4738, DOI: 10.1007/s10853-016-9797-7 (2016).
- Jilong Wang, Jingjing Qiu. “A review of organic nanomaterials in photothermal cancer therapy”, Cancer Research Frontiers, 2 (1), 67-84, DOI: 10.17980/2016.67 (2016).
- Jilong Wang, Junhua Wei, Jingjing Qiu. “Facile Synthesis of Tough Double Network Hydrogel”, MRS advances, 1 (27), 1953-1958, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2016.127 (2016).
- Jilong Wang, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu. “Biocompatible Carbon Dots with Diverse Surface Modification”, MRS advances, 1 (19), 1333-1338, DOI: 10.1557/adv.2015.36 (2016).
- Junhua Wei, Siheng Su, Jilong Wang, Jingjing Qiu. “Imitation of proteoglycans improve toughness of double network hydrogels”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 166(15), 66-72, DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.09.027 (2015).
- Kun Zhang, Shiren Wang, Xin Zhang, Yue Zhang, Yuan Cui, Jingjing Qiu. “Thermoelectric performance of p-type nanohybrids filled polymer composites”, Nano Energy, 13, 327-335, DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2015.03.004 (2015).
- Li Li, Shiren Wang, Ding Hui, Jingjing Qiu. “Ordered multiphase polymer nanocomposites for high-performance solid-state supercapacitors”, Composites Part B, Engineering, 71, 40-44, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.11.039 (2015).
- Junhua Wei, Xin Zhang, Jingjing Qiu, Brandon L. Weeks. “Thermal Kinetics and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Graphene Integrated Fluoroelastomer”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 53(23), 1691-1700, DOI: 10.1002/polb.23890 (2015).
- Junhua Wei, Jilong Wang, Siheng Su, Molla Hasan, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang. “A Shape Healable Tough Hydrogel”, New Journal of Chemistry, 39, 8461-8466, DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ01250C (2015).
- Fuda Ning, Jingjing Qiu, Junhua Wei, Shiren Wang, Weilong Cong. “Additive manufacturing of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites using fused deposition modeling”, Composite Part B: Engineering, 80, 369-378, DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.06.013 (2015).
- Junhua Wei, Jilong Wang, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu. “Tough and fully cyclic recoverable hydrogels”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3, 5284-5290, DOI: 10.1039/C5TB00504C (2015).
- Siheng Su, Jilong Wang, Junhua Wei, Raul Martinez-Zaguilan, Jingjing Qiu. “Efficient photothermal therapy of brain cancer through porphyrin functionalized graphene oxide”, New Journal of Chemistry, 39, 5743-5749, DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ00122F (2015).
- Jilong Wang, Junhua Wei, Siheng Su, Jingjing Qiu. “Ion-linked double network hydrogel with high toughness and stiffness”, Journal of Materials Science, 50(16), 5458-5465, DOI: 10.1007/s10853-015-9091-0 (2015).
- Jilong Wang, Jingjing Qiu. “Luminescent graphene quantum dots: as emerging fluorescent materials for biological applications”, Science of Advanced Materials, 7(10), 1979-1989, DOI: 10.1166/sam.2015.2035 (2015).
- Junhua Wei, Jingjing Qiu. “Unveil the fluorescence of carbon quantum dots”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 17(2), 138-142, DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400146 (2015).
- Siheng Su, Junhua Wei, Kun Zhang, Jingjing Qiu. “Thermo- and pH-responsive Fluorescence Behavior of Sulfur Functionalized Detonation Nanodiamond-Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)”, Colloid and Polymer Science, 293(4), 1299-1305, DOI: 10.1007/s00396-015-3531-x (2015).
- Junhua Wei, Jingjing Qiu. “3D Printing of An Extremely Tough Hydrogel”, RSC Advances, 5, 81324-81329, DOI: 10.1039/C5RA16362E (2015).
- Jilong Wang, Siheng Su, Junhua Wei, Roya Bahgi, Louisa Hope-Weeks, Jingjing Qiu. “Ratio-metric sensor to detect riboflavin via fluorescence resonance energy transfer with ultrahigh sensitivity”, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 72, 17-24, DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2015.04.006 (2015).
- Junhua Wei, Jingjing Qiu. “Allyl-functionalization enhanced thermally stable graphene/fluoroelastomer nanocomposites”, Polymer, 55(16), 3818-3824, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2014.06.063 (2014).
- Junhua Wei, Steven Jacob, Jingjing Qiu. “Graphene oxide-integrated high-temperature durable fluoroelastomer for petroleum oil sealing”, Composites Science and Technology, 92(24), 126-133, DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2013.12.010 (2014).
- Jilong Wang, Jingjing Qiu. “Novel fluorescence resonance energy transfer optical sensors for vitamin B12 detection using thermal reduced carbon dots”, New Journal of Chemistry, 39, 501-507, DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00538D (2014).
- Junhua Wei, Jingjing Qiu, Liqiang Ren, Kun Zhang, Shiren Wang, Brandon Weeks. “Size sorted multicolor fluorescence graphene oxide quantum dots obtained by differential velocity centrifugation”, Science of Advanced Materials, 6(5), 1052-1059 (2014).
- Siheng Su, Shiren Wang, and Jingjing Qiu. “Biofunctionalization of nanodiamonds through facile cytochrome P450 catalysis”, Science of Advanced Materials, 6(1), 203-208 (2014).
- Li Li, Xin Zhang, Jingjing Qiu, Brandon Weeks, and Shiren Wang. “Reduced graphene oxide-linked polymer forest for high energy density supercapacitor”, Nano Energy, 2(5), 628-635 (2013).
- Li Li, Jingjing Qiu, and Shiren Wang. “Three-dimensional ordered nanostructures for supercapacitor electrode”, Electrochimica Acta, 99(1), 278-284 (2013).
- Yue Zhang, Liqiang Ren, Jingjing Qiu, and Shiren Wang. “Graphene nanobelt-enhanced organic solar cells”, Science of Advance Materials, 5, 1-7 (2013).
- Li Li, Jingjing Qiu and Shiren Wang. “Polyaniline nanowire-pillared graphene for supercapacitor electrode”, Soft Materials, 11, 503-509 (2013).
- Junhua Wei, Jingjing Qiu,Li Li, Liqiang Ren, Jharna Chaudhuri and Shiren Wang. “Reduced graphene oxide-based electrochemical biosensors for Tyrosine detection”, Nanotechnology, 23(33), 335707 (2012).
- Yue Zhang, Shiren Wang, Li Li, Kun Zhang, Jingjing Qiu, Marauo Davis, and Louisa Hope-Weeks. “Tuning electrical conductivity and surface area of chemically-exfoliated graphene through nanocrystal functionalization”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 135, 1057-1063 (2012).
- Liqiang Ren, Shiren Wang, Mark Holtz, and Jingjing Qiu. “Synergistic effect of nanocrystal integration and process optimization on solar cell efficiency”, Nanotechnology, 23(7), 075401 (2012).
- Li Li, Kun Zhang, Jingjing Qiu, and Shiren Wang. “Solution assembly of vertically aligned diamond nanotube arrays from diamond nanocrystals”, Diamond and Related materials, 29, 79-83 (2012).
- Liqiang Ren, Jingjing Qiu, and Shiren Wang. “Thermo-adaptive functionality of graphene/polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposites”, Smart Materials and Structures, 21(10), 105032 (2012).
- Kun Zhang, Marauo Davis, Jingjing Qiu, Louisa Hope-Weeks, and Shiren Wang. “Thermoelectric properties of porous multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyaniline core/shell nanocomposites”, Nanotechnology, 23(38), 385701 (2012).
- Yue Zhang, Shiren Wang, Li Li, Kun Zhang, Jingjing Qiu, Marauo Davis, and Louisa Hope-Weeks. “Tuning electrical conductivity and surface area of chemically-exfoliated graphene through nanoparticle functionalization”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 135, p1057-1063 (2012).
- Jingjing Qiu and Shiren Wang. “Enhancing polymer performance through graphene sheets”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119(6), 3670-3674 (2011).
- Jingjing Qiu and Shiren Wang. “Reaction Kinetics of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Polymer Composite”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 121(1-2), 295-301 (2010).
- Shiren Wang and Jingjing Qiu. “Enhancing thermal conductivity of glass fiber/polymer composites through carbon nanotubes incorporation”, Composites: Part B, v 41, 7, 533-536 (2010).
- Shiren Wang, Madhava Tambraparni, Jingjing Qiu, John Tipton and Derrick Dean. “Thermal expansion of graphene composites”, Macromolecules, 42(14), 5251-5255 (2009).
- Shiren Wang and Jingjing Qiu. “Modification of Epoxy Resins via M-chloroperbenzoic Acid Epoxidized Carbon Nanotubes”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112(6), 3322-3326 (2009).
- Jingjing Qiu, Chuck Zhang, Ben Wang and Richard Liang. “Investigation of the Flow Behaviors of Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed Epoxy Resin with Modified Bi-mode FENE Dumbbell Simulation”, Computational Materials Science, v 44, 1379-1385 (2009).
- Xugang Ye, Jingjing Qiu, Chuck Zhang, Richard Liang, and Ben Wang. “A finite element-based heuristic estimation of local preform permeability for resin transfer molding”, Transport in Porous Medium, 76(2), 247-263 (2009).
- Jingjing Qiu, Jing Li, Chuck Zhang, Richard Liang, Shui-Shun Lin and Ben Wang. “Influence of alcohol pre-infusion on the quality of VARTM composites”, Polymer Composites, 29(12), 1310-1320 (2008).
- Jingjing Qiu, Chuck Zhang, Ben Wang, and Richard Liang. “Carbon Nanotube Integrated Multifunctional Multiscale Composites,” Nanotechnology,18, 275708 (2007).
- Jingjing Qiu, Yuexin Duan, and Zhiyong Liang. “Computer simulation and actual experiments of RTM mold-filling process affected by processing parameters”, Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 21(6), 70-74 (2004).
- Yuexin Duan, Jingjing Qiu, Zhiyong Liang, and Zuoguang Zhang. “Influence of gates and vents on LCM Process Results”, Aerospace Materials and Technology, 34(5), 26-30 (2004).
Book Chapters
- Jingjing Qiu, Jilong Wang. “Chitin in rubber-based blends and micro composites”, Rubber Based Bionanocomposites, 71-107, 2017.
- Jingjing Qiu. “Bacterial cellulose rubber composites and rubber nanocomposites”, book chapter of “Rubber based bionanocomposites: Preparation”, edited by Visakh P. M., published by Springer Publishing Inc., 2015.
- Jingjing Qiu and Shiren Wang. “Effect of structure and morphology on the tensile properties of carbon nanotube/polymer composites”, book chapter of “Polymer Nanotube Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”, edited by Vikas Mittal, published by Scrivener Publishing Inc., 2010.